With the help of a grant from the Salem Foundation, Camerata Musica presented five virtual concerts in January — May of 2021. While the pandemic prevented concerts with a live audience, Camerata did provide concerts, and musicians were provided some opportunities.
The concerts started in January with the Salem String Quartet, the Quartet in Residence of Camerata Musica. The February concert featured Anthea Kreston, violin; and Jason Duckles, cello. Camerata had wanted to give its audience a chance to welcome back Anthea and Jason since their return from several years in Germany.
March brought the Delgani String Quartet. April’s concert included musicians of the Trinity Alps Chamber Music Ensemble, a string quartet of Willamette University students playing Schubert, and a Chopin piece played by Willamette University professor and highly-respected Chopin interpreter Jean-David Coen. The season ended in May with a percussion ensemble led by Portland percussionist Niel dePonte.
All five concerts were recorded, both audio and video, in high quality by Steve Reid of Cinemaction Films. They were made available through Camerata Musica’s website cameratamusicasalem.org and also Capital TV channels 22 and 322 (where they are still shown in rotation).
Camerata Musica thus salvaged some of a season that could have been completely lost to the pandemic. But it is hoped that Camerata will be able to resume live concerts in the Fall!